Why You Should Tell Your Children How Much You Make

by Ron Lieber

Discussions about family finances can start early and fit a child’s age and ability to understand, but they shouldn’t be avoided.

Steve Jobs was a Low-Tech Parent

by Nick Bilton

While some tech parents assign limits based on time, others are much stricter about what their children are allowed to do with screens.

The Afterlife of Cheap Clothes

by Elizabeth L. Cline

Where do your Target bargains go when you get tired of them? The Salvation Army. Rag bins. And Africa.

Our Ridiculous Approach to Retirement

By Teresa Ghilarducci

The current model for retirement savings, which forces individuals to figure out a plan for their retirement years, will always fall short.

Is the Internet Making Us Crazy?

by Tony Dokoupil

Tweets, texts, emails, posts. New research says the Internet can make us lonely and depressed—and may even create more extreme forms of mental illness.

The ‘Busy’ Trap

by Tim Kreider

The “crazy busy” existence so many of us complain about is almost entirely self-imposed.

Don’t Indulge. Be Happy.

by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton

It turns out that what we do with our money plays a far more important role than how much money we make.

The Joy of Quiet

by Pico Iyer

Trying to escape the constant stream of too much information.

The New Science Behind Your Spending Addiction

by Sharon Begley and Jean Chatzky

New science unveils how your brain is hard-wired when it comes to spending—and how you can reboot it.

Snooze or Lose

by Po Bronson

Overstimulated, overscheduled kids are getting at least an hour’s less sleep than they need, a deficiency that, new research reveals, has the power to set their cognitive abilities back years.

Bumping into Mr. Ravioli

by Adam Gopnik

A Theory of Busyness and its Hero. Full text.

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